Monday 2 May 2011

Final Post

Name – Ella Louise Trevillion
Candidate number - 7285
Centre number - 17131
School Name - John F Kennedy
Chosen Brief – Print – Preliminary = School Magazine , Main = Music Magazine

Here I will post my final front cover, contents page and double page spread :

Monday 18 April 2011

Main Task: Final Designs

After research, designing, descion making and feedback i have created my final designs.

Front Cover:

 Contents Page:

 Double Page Spread:

Main Task: Production of The Magazine

After recieving feedback I decided to change my designs using the comments i got from 'areas to improve on'.

Here i have taken screen shots of how i created my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Main Task: Feedback

Front cover

Contents Page

Double Page Spread 

I then gatherd feedback, from people aged 16-17, commenting upon the postives and things to improve on. From this i will be able to alter my designs in the best possible way to create the perfect magazine.

3 Action Points For Each Page:
Front Cover  - Change the background , Make the main image larger , Make the masthead larger.
Contents Page  - Change the position of the photo's , Make the colour's more the same , Change the word 'Contents'
Double Page Spread  - Add a background, Add more photographs, Make the image on the first page larger

Thursday 24 March 2011

Main Task: Mock Designs

I have created a mock up of designs i would like to create for my final magazine spread. I have created a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. I will then transfer these ideas onto my final piece replacing the internet pictures with my own pictures i have taken.